Plumbers, Gasfitters
and Drainlayers Board
Certifying Plumbers
If you’re registered with the Board as a Certifying Plumber, you are deemed, under the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (Act), to be a Certification Authority for a transitional period ending 6 June 2025. Under the Act, you are also deemed a Vehicle Inspector.
If you want to work with self-contained vehicles, as a Certifying Plumber there are two options you can choose from:
- Enrol to be a Certification Authority – this gives you access to the Register and allows you to certify vehicles as self-contained (you can also work as a Vehicle Inspector)
- Work as a Vehicle Inspector for another Certification Authority
Enrolling as a Certification Authority
During the transitional period, Certifying Plumbers are deemed to be Certification Authorities until 7 June 2025. Being deemed a Certification Authority means that you can act as a Certification Authority without needing to complete a full application to the Board to be appointed.
If you want to operate as a Certification Authority you will still need to enrol with the Board to gain access to the Register to allow you to complete inspections and certifications.
Once you have enrolled, your core functions as a Certification Authority are:
- appointing motor vehicle inspectors (Vehicle Inspectors)
- issuing Certificates
- making entries in the Register
If you choose to enrol with the Board and undertake these functions as a Certification Authority, you must do so in a way that complies with the requirements of the Act, the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers (Self-Contained Vehicles) Regulations 2023 and the Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board (Motor Vehicle Inspections) Notice 2023.
This process is for individual Certifying Plumbers only. If you want your organisation to be appointed as a Certification Authority you need to follow the process to become a Certification Authority.
Transitional period - now until 6 June 2025
If you intend to act as a Certification Authority during the transitional period, you need to enrol with the Board. (You don’t need to complete a full application process to apply to the Board as you are already deemed a Certification Authority). This will give you access and appropriate permissions to use the Register so that you can issue, revoke or renew Certificates and warrant cards. When you enrol, please let us know if you would like us to publish you as a Certification Authority on the Register, so that vehicle owners can find and book an inspection with you.
After 7 June 2025
Certifying Plumbers will no longer be deemed Certification Authorities. If you want to start or continue work as a Certification Authority beyond 7 June 2025, you will need to apply to the Board for appointment by 7 March 2025.
How to enrol with the Board
Before you enrol with the Board as a Certification Authority, you need to read and understand the Being a Certification Authority guidance document. This guidance provides more information on what you need to know and do, your responsibilities, the procedures you should have in place and the requirements you must meet.
It is free for Certifying Plumbers to enrol as Certification Authorities during the transitional period.
To enrol as a Certification Authority, you need to download and complete the enrolment form, which will enable us to:
- verify that you’re registered as a Certifying Plumber
- add you to the Register as a Certification Authority
- publish your contact details and location on the list of Certification Authorities at (if you choose to make this information available)
- share guidance about how to use the Register
To enrol, complete the Enrol to be a Certification Authority enrolment form and send your completed form to
Working as a Vehicle Inspector but not a Certification Authority
If you only want to work as a Vehicle Inspector and not as a Certification Authority, you will need to contact a Certification Authority to enquire about inspecting vehicles on their behalf. Certification Authorities are responsible for appointing vehicle inspectors and the Board is not involved in that process. We are currently appointing Certification Authorities and expect them to be operational in early 2024.