Plumbers, Gasfitters
and Drainlayers Board
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Have your say on PGDB consultations

Date: 22/09/2023

We are seeking feedback on the following proposals: 

  1. The Board’s proposed fees and disciplinary and prosecution levy  
  2. Changes to the plumbing, gasfitting, and drainlaying core competencies 
  3. Changing the names of the current registration classes, Journeyman, Tradesman, and Certifying.  



We have released two consultation documents for feedback. These provide you with information as to how the Board has undertaken its fees review and why the Board is considering making changes to its core competencies and registration names.  


Board’s fees and disciplinary and prosecution levy 

Normally the Board carries out this review every three years, but in light of the unexpected impacts of the pandemic, the Board has brought forward the fees review by one year.  The Board fees and disciplinary and prosecution levy fund the Board to enable it to carry out its functions. This is the Board’s only source of income.  



Core competencies and registration names  

The Board is responsible for setting the prescribed minimum standards for each class of registration in each of the trades. Those standards include setting the standards required to obtain registration. As a result of its review, the Board is proposing some minor changes to the registration competencies. 

The Board has also reviewed the names of its registration classes, Journeyman, Tradesman, and Certifier. The Board has set out two options for changes to these names based on feedback from industry and to assist the public in making it clearer what plumbers, gasfitters, and drainlayers are able to do within their registration class.  


Your feedback is important to us 

We welcome your feedback. To assist you in providing feedback, both consultation documents provide additional information.  


We encourage you to have your say by:

  • completing the online form(s)
  • sending an email to
  • mailing your comments to: The Registrar, Plumbers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers Board, PO Box 10655, Wellington 6143


Submissions for both consultations close at 5pm on Friday, 13 October 2023.